
Kate Robertson influenced to become a ‘Global President of Havas’

Kate Robertson is the co-founder of 1 Young World, the premier world forum for young leaders.

Kate Robertson

Co-founder of One Young World

Kate Robertson is that the co-founder of 1 Young World, the premier world forum for young leaders, that she created in 2009. The Summit is attended by one,300 delegates from 196 countries, that includes luminaries like Kofi Annan, prof Muhammad Yunus, Sir Bob Geldof, Paul Polman, and Arianna Huffington among others. Kate Robertson was erstwhile the worldwide President and United Kingdom cluster Chairman of Havas Worldwide, wherever she was the best place lady within the advertising business worldwide. In 2012 she was named Advertising lady of the Year by ladies In selling and through 2014, she was equally honored by Advertising Week Europe. Kate has worked unpaid as a choose for a people Sports business Awards in addition as for the Barclays world Citizenship Awards with the CEOs of the Gates Foundation, of the Prince’s Trust, and of the Clinton world Initiative. Kate has AN unearned Masters degree from the University of artistic Arts and therefore the European Communications college. In 2014 she was additionally awarded AN unearned doctor’s degree from the metropolis graduate school.

In Interview;


How did your background in law and your career as ‘Global President of Havas’ influence your interests in non-profit-making leadership?


Robertson:  In terms of law, I don’t suppose it influences however it helps. If you’ve studied law, you’ll be able to take most issues and total wherever you would like to induce to; what’s going to get you there; what your choices area unit; what the risks are. that sort of mental coaching is tremendously helpful in something you are trying to attain. If my time at graduate school influenced American state concerning nonprofits, it’s extremely the actual fact that the commitment of a number of our fellow students at UCT to dynamic  the country (that Republic of South Africa was then below apartheid) was mortifying. It consumed them and far of their lives and that i ne’er forgot look them and their sacrifices – informer Haysom, Geoff Budlender, Auret Van Heerden.

As for being the worldwide President of Havas, I had multiple experiences like changing into aware that a climate of business behaving itself was developing; feeling alleviated by that particularly within the wake of the 2008/9 monetary crisis once some businesses gave everybody else within the sector a nasty name; being progressively aware that the {important|the $64000} international actors UN agency will get stuff done area unit businesses; that leadership is wherever it begins and wherever it ends – not {everyone is|most area unit|everyone seems to be} a pacesetter however leaders permanently are the foremost important want within the world.


What was your inspiration behind One Young World and what were a number of the challenges you baby-faced whereas origination it?


Robertson: The drive was to seek out one thing that we have a tendency to might get into that might build a lasting impact. For me, leadership is everything, and also the concept that the globe will be brought along as a person’s family is my emotional static magnet.  I’m a womb-to-tomb fan of the Olympic movement and its origination principles. The challenges were responsive the queries of skeptics and keeping going once nobody was ready to conceive to the concept of finding and inspiring a full world of young leaders. we have a tendency to had to induce our own language and justification sorted out and that we had to induce individuals to get delegate places. From a standing begin that’s extremely powerful. The blessing was that Annan, Tutu, Geldof, Yunus we have a tendency toren’t skeptical – all of them suppose that young leaders area unit the foremost necessary charge we have; all of them believe it’s wherever they, and we, will build the proper distinction. And their early commitment unbroken U.S.A. basic cognitive process.


Can you tell U.S.A. concerning what makes One Young World’s Annual Summit unique?


Robertson: the actual fact that each single country within the world is drawn is exclusive – you won’t notice that at the other conference within the world, and aside from the Davos World Economic Forum and also the international organisation you ne’er see such a gathering of prestigious and illustrious figures; we’ve the most important company footprint of any conference and besides, even as significantly, the delegates represent each sector you’ll be able to think about from NGO’s to education to politics to government business.


Outside your work, what area unit your favorite hobbies and pastimes?

Robertson: My husband, my girl, the cats, and also the dog!


What is your recommendation for successive generation of youth leaders and change-makers?


Robertson: They don’t want any recommendation from me! however i might urge them to ‘get on with it! we would like them to guide – immediately. the globe wants them, their ideals, their superb ability within the digital world. the foremost enlightened, most educated, most connected generation in human history area unit required at the controls.